Half Fried Egg

Usually, the egg can be fried by any person who can even not cook other food, it is because of the simple way to make it able for eating.
Simply crack the egg and put it in the pan that has a little oil in it. so it is your choice that what type of egg you want to have, you can get it full fry, half fry and whatever the stage you want it to fry.
I usually love to have half a fry egg in my breakfast, so here is a glimpse of my meal that is under process, you can clearly be seen that egg white and yolk can easily be distinguished that is a thing that has to be done perfectly.

Just break the shell carefully and the second art is to put it in the pan so carefully so that yolk should not mix with the white.
while it is demanding to have half fry then one should have to cook it just by a single side on a very low flame, in this way the white will cook properly and the yolk remains half cooked.

For better results one can cover it using the lid for half a minute it will cook the upper egg white portion. The last step is to place the egg in a serving plate very carefully to have it in perfect shape.